
What can change humans? Love and Fear. The latter is supposed to be more powerful. After all, we are all afraid of Death. Right?

We as a collective society are decaying by the day. The kind of politics, the state of education, the nonsense of journalism and all of this stemming from the “I don’t care” attitude of people. This is not just limited to India, but all around the globe.

A few years ago, I assumed that the only way humans can change drastically is if we are hit by a catastrophe. Yeah, when Tsunami hit us… we all came together as a community for the relief effort. So I thought we’ll become better when something bigger hits us. To me, Global Warming was that catastrophe. But nothing changed because people could not see global warming or feel that fear (atleast I thought this was the reason). And now, COVID hit us. This definitely was THE catastrophe. By far the worst enemy of human beings that I know of. The entire globe suffered. A lot of citizens succumbed to death. Near and dear ones were affected. This definitely had to change humans. Surely.

Guess what? Nothing changed! Even with the fear of 3rd wave lurking around, people still continue to be careless and casual. “I don’t care attitude” is still there. Political leaders still aren’t doing everything they can (Look at UK for example. Pity). It feels as if COVID is just another blip to the “normalcy”. Superstitions still continue to reign supreme. Stupidity still seems to prevail.

I’m now back to square one. If not Death, what do humans fear about? If not Fear, what motivates people to change? If not now, when?

PS: Let’s all take a step back. Reflect upon what is the most important thing in our lives. And then take conscious choices that make us happy instead of “right or wrong”. Can we do that?