What is a word you feel that too many people use?
I have heard so many people using the word “you know” and everytime I want to tell them “I don’t know, and so I’m here to listen to you”. I met people who use “you know” like a punctuation mark between statements. And the problem with me is that once I hear someone say this, I only hear this from them and nothing else. All other words skip my brain and the entire speech for me becomes “you know, you know and you now” 😅
The second most common is “lol”. What probably started as a text variant to tell people that you are laughing out loud is used in spoken English as well. A lot of my friends say lol with an absolute poker face and it does not make any sense.
All of this happens due to lack of conscious preparation and reflection. We all should spend atleast a few mins everyday reflecting on what we are doing and if we should change something. And ofcourse for speeches, tons of prior preparation is needed.
What have you guys heard people say?