Think about improving governments, not the opposite.

A typical conversation around government on a coffee table today –

A: “How is the government in India?”

B: “Areyy, don’t ask man. The roads are bad, the corruption is high, there is no scope for improvement and they are just too powerful also. Too bad”

A: “Oh it is the same in my country. I don’t know when these governments will improve. Anyway, lets continue with our movie”

I always thought we are the government. The elected are the ones who we chose to serve us well. And hence, it is on us to discuss and act about what we can do to improve the government. Given my excitement about ChatGPT, I asked some questions around this and here is the beautiful summary I got –

There are several reasons why it is important to actively think about improving governments rather than expecting positive change to happen on its own.

1. Governments play a crucial role in shaping the lives of citizens: Governments have the power to make laws, policies, and decisions that significantly impact the lives of citizens. By actively working to improve government systems and processes, individuals can help to create a better and more just society.

2. Governments have a responsibility to serve the needs of citizens: Governments are established to serve the needs and interests of citizens. By actively working to improve government systems and processes, individuals can help to ensure that governments are fulfilling their responsibilities and meeting the needs of citizens.

3. Inaction can lead to negative consequences: If governments are not held accountable and are allowed to operate without oversight or improvement, it can lead to negative consequences for citizens. This can include corruption, abuse of power, and inadequate services. By actively working to improve government systems, individuals can help to prevent these negative outcomes.

4. Active participation can lead to positive change: By actively participating in the political process and advocating for change, individuals can help to bring about positive change in their communities and beyond. This can involve voting, volunteering, or working to raise awareness about issues that matter to them.

5. Active participation can also lead to more inclusive and representative decision-making: By actively participating in the political process, individuals can help to ensure that the voices and perspectives of diverse groups are represented in government decision-making. This can lead to more inclusive and representative policies and practices.

6. Improved government systems can foster trust and confidence: When citizens feel that their government is transparent, accountable, and responsive to their needs, it can foster trust and confidence in the government and its institutions. By actively working to improve government systems, individuals can help to build trust and confidence in the government.

Overall, it is important to actively think about improving governments because they have the power to significantly impact the lives of citizens. Citizen inaction in a democracy can have negative consequences for accountability, representation, transparency, and trust in the government. By working to improve government systems and processes, individuals can help to create a better and more just society.

Back to human writing – So what do you think about this? I volunteer for an organization called We, The People Abhiyan and there some brilliant work that happens out there. Check out their resources on how to engage with governments. You can always put in a few contributions and donate to the cause if you are too busy to personally volunteer on the cause.