What is one belief or mindset shift that has profoundly improved your communication skills, and how can others adopt this change?

Communication skills have become essential across all roles, from startup founders to business leaders. They are key to success. Ten years ago in college, my communication skills were poor. I often found myself at a loss for words in conversations. Do you relate to that? If so, these tips will be helpful for you. The …

What is one belief or mindset shift that has profoundly improved your communication skills, and how can others adopt this change? Read More »

Radially in and out.

How would you design the city of the future? I think it was in the documentary zeitgeist. The proposal for the perfect town plan was to have all the industries and work places right at the centre of the city and then have all the residential complexes radially outwards. That way you’d have people going …

Radially in and out. Read More »

You know.

What is a word you feel that too many people use? I have heard so many people using the word “you know” and everytime I want to tell them “I don’t know, and so I’m here to listen to you”. I met people who use “you know” like a punctuation mark between statements. And the …

You know. Read More »


What brings you peace? Single phrase answer – “I don’t know” I clearly don’t know what brings me peace. If I knew, why would I do other things. There are obviously a few things like listening to music, playing a physical sport, meditation that bring calmness and focus to my mind… But does that equate …

Peace. Read More »


We are all drowned into relationships in one way or the other. As a children to parents, as friends, as partners, as parents and so on. Human life feels impossible and incomplete without having good relationships. So what makes these relationships tick? You know the age old concept of the barter system? You give something …

Relationships. Read More »