How do I get out of bad mood?

Life is never all happy or sad. We all go through the emotions. Some days are super good and some days are not. It is important to pick yourself up on a bad day and get going. Here a few things that have helped me get out of a bad mood.

1. Writing.

By far, writing is the most helpful thing which pulled me out of bad moods. I have this section called โ€œwild fireโ€ on my one note which has some crazy, weird, and sometimes dark thoughts which hit my head and I just dump them there. As I start writing, there are a flood of things that come to my mind.. I just keep typing and my thoughts become a little organised.. and eventually my brain calms down. I look back at some of these notes and they are extremely funny. But those small blurbs are a reminder that I have been through some bad days and I also came out of those.

Next time you are feeling low, just start scribbling everything that you have in your mind. And I am sure you will be calmer than when you started.

2. Music.

I have a Bollywood playlist on my YouTube. It has some standard songs that help me get out of bad moods. Few of them are – Yuhi Chala Chal Rahi (From Swades), Kun Faya Kun (From Rockstar), Khwaja mere Khwaja (From Jodha Akbar), Wake up Sid and many more. All these songs are my favourites and I can just listen to them forever. Whenever I am in a bad mood, and have no patience to write.. I head to YouTube and hit the play button. Loud and relax.

The other type of music that helped me time and again are chants. Brahmananda Swaroopa by Isha, Maha Mrityunjaya Mantram, Gayatri Mantram are my go to chants. I sing along many a times and calms me down instantly.

What has been your experience with music has it helped you the same way it helped me?

3. Talk to Friends!

Typically helps me when I am super confused about something, or super angry with someone. Writing helps, but who doesnโ€™t love a bit of gossip? ๐Ÿ˜€ So I pick up my phone, call someone who sometimes does not even have context of the situation and blabber my heart out.

There are two things that generally happen with these conversations. While I discuss the situation with my friend, I get the clarity on what I really want out of it. The second is that I just realise how stupid I am and end of conversation laughing at myself. And sometimes, it could just be that I want someone to just listen and not speak at all.

Find the friends for the mood. I have friends who add to my gossip and make a very spicy conversation, I also have people who just listen and not speak at all and few who blast me in return ๐Ÿ˜€ What about you?

4. Food ๐Ÿ˜€

Food is an excellent coping mechanism too! I just order some favourite desserts and thatโ€™s it. Needs no explanation.


While we all cherish our good days and want more of themโ€ฆ it is obvious that you will see some bad days. Recognise them, know what your coping mechanisms are and quickly turn to them. Let me know what are some ways you get out of bad days? Is it reading, or travel or something crazy? Leave a comment with your thoughts.

18 thoughts on “How do I get out of bad mood?”

    1. Haha. So true. It’s a new thing on the list. But mind you, the kid has to be in a good mood. Otherwise you’ll go even more crazy ๐Ÿ˜‚

  1. I think, this is pretty much all of us who at least have the habit of reflecting on things. Safe to say, being a human is to come to the simplest facts of it all i.e โ€œwe are a paradoxโ€. Writing or reading equally helps as far as I am concerned. Although on a candid note, my old new found love for gaming has allowed me to immerse in a much better world (fictional with a touch of reality) ๐Ÿ˜Š!!

  2. Good read ๐Ÿ™‚

    Taking a stroll has always helped me to pump in the energy needed to get back in the mood. Music in raised volume is always a great add-on. Also, amazed to see that our taste in music matches, I would love to check out your playlist if you can share๐Ÿ˜›

  3. I guess this was written in a good mood ๐Ÿค 
    Music helps me a lot, however sometimes going on a drive just for some tea helped me, its about getting out of that zone, more often mentally and sometimes physically.

    1. The Chai breaks. Haha. I can imagine after all the chai sutta breaks at work that people take! I know someone who said let’s go for a chai and took me to a 15min drive to drink tea. I was surprised that people actually do this. ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. I usually talk to my parents for long time, which makes me get rid off the bad mood.
    Sometimes, I watch some bollywood romantic movie โ˜บ๏ธ

  5. It’s a good read.. music definitely helps me.. rock playlist on full volume..
    Or I play some destructive game, where the goal is to destroy something .. helps a lot with pent-up energy, and with the bad mood

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